:Mi Pasado:

Yadira Sin Censura

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Una Pesadilla

lo tecle en ingles:

I had a nightmare, I don't know what is happening to me, I am havi ng these dreams lately, I dram that for some reason me, my husband, and son where in some store and then we went inside some hole since we where buying fish, and it turned out it was water, then we lost our sone, and we where surounded by sharks, seals, dolphins and other huge fish, then we suddenly lost our son, and my husban went to look for him, and it took a long time before we found him in the water, then I was swimming toward me since he found the baby, so I said "great" and left the waters since we had found our son, so I left and accidently forgot that If I closed the door he would not be able to get, out but I was so happy that I forgot, so I closed it, continued doind whatever I was doing and then a long time passed by and they had not come out, so I returned and opened the door and there was no water, just cement! and I was freaking out!!and crying " Where Is MY SON!! Where Is My Husband!!" and nobody listened to me, oh man!!! I was so desperate...

Then I was trying everyway to search a way to go to the waters, and then finally I opened an invisible door to the waters, just to find out that my husband and son had died sufficated and drowned in the water, the reason was that the only way they could get a fresh breath of air was if they had the door opene since the hole was full of water, so when they where going to get out of the whole, the could not open the door, since there was no way to open it from the inside, and I started crying so bad in my dream, since it had been my fault that they had died....NO!!

and I thought yesterdays dream was the worst, this one tops it, since in this one the two people that I love most in this world died...

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